Award Probate


Award Probate

The Award Probate Funding Trust, is a managed investment scheme that invests in Litigation Funding and Probate Funding.

Litigation Finance

With litigation finance also known as legal finance, litigation funding and third-party funding, a litigant or a law firm uses the asset value of commercial litigation or arbitration to secure capital from a third party, either to finance the litigation or for more general business purposes. In its most common form, legal finance is provided on a single case basis to pay for costs associated with commercial litigation or arbitration (lawyers’ fees, case expenses, etc.) in exchange for a portion of the ultimate award or settlement

“The use of litigation finance increased at least 237% between 2013 and 2018, and in 2019, 74°/o of lawyers agreed that legal finance is growing and increasingly important.”

Burford 2018 Litigation Finance Survey

Estate Planning

Probate Funding

Often the death of a family member happens suddenly; sometimes there is a long lead time to the passing of a loved one, whatever is your experience the process of managing and financing the estate is thrust upon the executor, where a valid will has been prepared, which in most cases is the spouse. Also it is common for one or two of the family members to be appointed to the role of executor of the loved one’s estate.

Today, a large amount of expenses are incurred in administering a deceased estate. Although many estates can afford these costs, often the funds cannot be accessed from the estate until it has been probated by the courts. This process can take up to 12 months.

Typical costs incurred in managing a deceased estate include:

  • Funerals must be paid for.
  • Lawyers must be engaged to manage the estate through the probate stage.
  • Often renovations or repairs are required on the principal place of residence to prepare it for sale which could require substantial amounts of money.

Opportunity to secure estate from Probate Funding

We find people require funds for a variety of reasons. Commonly, they use funds to meet expenses, personal and estate related, pending finalisation of the Estate.

Our estate funding facility can be a very big help to people, we can advance money quickly to help meet these expenses. We can advance any amount from $20,000 to $1,000,000, secured against the estate.

Generally, the loans are secured against the proceeds of the estate and are usually made for a six-month time frame, with the option to roll for another 6 months. Not all estates are the same, so each funding facility is treated differently depending on what the assets of the Estate are.

The Award Probate Funding Trust

Minimum Investment:

$AUD 100,000

Minimum Exit Time:

2 Years

Minimum Dividend:

8%p.a.* (Paid quarterly)
Profit Dividend: a percentage of the profit

*Read the Information Memorandum to get a fuller understanding of the Fund. The objective return and distributions assume a regular turnover of assets in the portfolio. The actual rate of return may be more or less than this range at times such as periods when the Portfolio is acquiring more assets than it is selling, or where transactions involve larger assets of the portfolio.

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Trustee and Investment Manager

HKG Capital

ACN 631 472 734. 

AFS Licensee and Offeror

Wholesale Funds Management Pty Ltd

(ACN 612 005 928), AFSL 000487419

Disclaimer: This factual information is not intended to imply a recommendation or opinion being made by HKG Capital. You should contact the financial product or service provider and obtain professional advice before making any financial decisions relating to this information. Read the Information Memorandum to get a fuller understanding of the Fund. 

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